Personal Injury Lawyer: Maritime Law & Those Injured At Sea

For those who work in the continental United States, resolving personal injury claims is generally a matter of determining under what branch of the law said injury falls and then pursuing damages requisite to the injury in question. However, for those who work at sea, whether on cruise ships, fishing vessels, or international cruise liners, any claims relating to personal injury concern an entirely separate area of the law known as maritime law.

New Business Venture Capital: How An Attorney Can Help You Deal With An Angel Investor

Are you excited because an angel investor has agreed to lend you venture funding for your new business venture? Before receiving the money or signing any official documents, it is in the best interest of your business for you to hire a securities attorney to assist you with the decision. In this article, learn how a securities attorney can help you through the process of dealing with an angel investor so you won't agree to something that you will regret later.

What Do You Do If You Still Haven't Been Compensated?

While being a victim of someone's negligence usually leads to financial compensation, it's also important to note that the money may not be available when you need it the most. If you're involved in a car accident, the first thing emergency services will do is take you to the closest clinic for intensive care. Before you're authorized to go back home, you'll start thinking about both the medical expenses and the economic losses incurred as a result of the accident.

3 Costly Mistakes To Avoid When Renting Real Estate

Renting real estate--whether it be in the form of an apartment, townhouse, or home-can be a great way to enjoy having your own place without many of the hassles and obligations that come along with ownership. However, with so many different laws in place regarding tenant and landlord responsibilities in rental agreements, it can be easy to make some mistakes as a first-time renter that end up costing you big-time down the road.

Can Marijuana Use Cause You To Lose A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

With Oregon recently joining Washington and Colorado as states that legally permit personal use of marijuana and medical marijuana patients in almost every state, more questions are cropping up about the effects of the drug. Can you prove that you were not under the influence if you are involved in an accident? If you are in an accident and have been drinking alcohol, blood alcohol tests can reliably show how much was in your system.