Filing for a patent can be a painstaking experience. There are forms to fill out and processes that must be learned. However, this is not to say it cannot be done on your own. Read on and discover a few tips on things to consider before filing a patent. If you are having considerable difficulty filing for a patent, it is recommended that you use the services of a patent attorney. They are experts on the matter, and everyone can use a little help.
Track Your Invention's Progress
Before filing for a patent, it's important to keep a written record of your invention's progress and how it has developed. Make sure you draw up a quick diagram of your invention and record the genesis of the idea. Sign and date every step of the process. If you have constructed a prototype of the invention, make sure you take adequate photographs or even video tape the apparatus.
Make Sure That The Invention Will Qualify For Patent Protection
In order to receive a patent on an invention, you must be able to demonstrate that your invention can work and the invention itself must be new or a significant progressive variation on an already existing product. You must also make sure that under no circumstances will you sell or market the invention before it is considered for patent protection. This can disqualify you from the process altogether.
Make Sure That Your Invention Is Commercially Viable
When all is said and done, it literally pays to have a commercially viable invention. This is due to the fact that, if it doesn't, you can be out upwards of $1,500 in patent filing fees alone. Do marketing research to see if your invention will sell before you take the steps to patent it, otherwise you could find your pocketbook is in much worse condition than it was before you went into the process.
Do Patent Research
Since filing a patent is both costly and time consuming, do patent research before committing to filing for a patent. It could be the case that your invention has already been patented and you don't know it. This can be a difficult part of preparing for filing for a patent, since you will have to scour patent record and technical journals to find out if your invention has already been patented or not. If you do find inventions that are similar to yours, take the time to think about how your invention differs or improves upon their configuration.
For more information, contact local professionals like Lingbeck Law Office.