How To Support Your Spouse Through A DWI Arrest

If your spouse has been arrested for a DWI, you might feel a range of emotions, including anxiety, anger and betrayal. Don't forget that your spouse is going through this as well and may need your support more than anything. Here are four things you should do if your spouse has found themselves dealing with a DWI arrest.

1. Help Your Spouse Find a Good Lawyer

Your spouse might be exhausted, confused and upset, especially after a night in jail or the events of the arrest. If your spouse isn't immediately talking with a lawyer about their arrest, then you need to step in. Find a DWI lawyer that can take on your case and immediately review the details and start building a case for your spouse. Once your spouse is over the initial shock, they can get to work with the lawyer and not waste any time building a case.

2. Remain Calm and Supportive

If this is your spouse's first arrest, try to be supportive. This may have been a fluke accident that they hopefully can learn from. Working with a lawyer to find any possibilities of overthrowing the conviction will make your life easier in the long-run. It is worth it for you to stay calm help minimize damage rather than be angry and not help your spouse when they might need you the most.

3. Help with Day-to-Day Details

If your spouse's license is suspended until trial, try to keep routine as best as possible. If you can drive your spouse to and from work or find ways to get life back to business as usual, your spouse can focus on their case and work with their DWI lawyer for court. Enlist friends or family members that you can trust to help out as well.

4. Find Other Long-Term Support

Regardless of whether your spouse's case is overturned in the courts; make sure that you have open communication about the events that caused your spouse's arrest. Showing good faith with treatment or counseling can help your spouse get on the road to recovery if this is needed. If your spouse realizes that they might have a bigger problem with substance abuse, you can be there to help find treatment.

Being on your spouse's team along with their DWI lawyer can give your spouse the support that they need to get through this tough time, no matter what the ultimate outcome of their case is. Being there for your spouse during this possible life-changing event will help strengthen your relationship and hopefully keep them out of future trouble.

For more information, contact a business such as  Patrick McLaughlin Esq.
